Like boy band, I had to look up the word friendship in the dictionary. when I found it, I sat and cried. Who could ever like me? Who? Struck with sudden inspiration I shook my magic brother lamp and out he came!
“Maya? What?”
“Will you be my friend?” I asked.
“Of course, Maya, I am already your friend,”
“Yay!” I clapped my hands and jumped for joy. “That was the easiest challange ever!”
“You just had to find a friend?”
“Well, I had to find a friend for me and Sybriel to share,” I said, resuming my Mexican happy dance, knowing full well that I would have to fry my hands later for showing such inappropriate joy.
“Woah, wait. I can’t do that,” Genie Alejandro said. “I’m you friend, but as much as I want you to win, I can’t be Sylar’s friend. He killed me remember?”
“But you wanted me to marry him!” I cried, on the verge of a tantrum.
“That’s different! Brothers are supposed to hate their inlaws! Maya, don’t you know any thing?!”
“No!” I cried. “I know nothing!” I whirled and jumped out of my window with a resounding crash. Unfortunatly, I am on the first floor and would have only got a few cuts from the window. Fortunatly, the family the birds that I habbitually kill when I cry alone in my room at night were waiting. They flew at my like a missle and I spread my ams and took in the painful attack like a lover. Until I heard the sirens.
“Policia!” I screamed, scrambling to get up. “No, honey, they’re coming to take you to a hospital,” The woman in the mansion across the street called.
Later, as they loaded me into the ambulance, I asked the woman from across the street: “Will you be mine and Sybriel’s friend?” The woman smiled at me like a child.
“Goodness no, darling! All of my friends are rich!” And like a shot I was whisked away.
I was in despair, but I was also not suprised. Like I said? Who could ever like me? I was taken from the ambulance and brought into a room with a window and and IV drip was put in my hand.
“What happened to you?” A voice from be hind the curtain next to my bed made me jump. I pulled the cord and revealed a man lying in a bed next to me.
I sighed and replied. “I am accepting my fate. No one loves me and I can never die. It is my curse,” The room was silent for a moment.
“Really? Me too…” The man said. “See? I tried to end it again, just this morning,” He raised his bandaged arms for me to see.
“You seem slightly insane… Would you like to be my friend?” I asked, bracing myself for the worst.
“Why not? Everyone else hates me…”
“That’s not true!” I cried. I told him about Sybriel and his quest for a friend through me. The man seemed over joyed.
“You mean you’re friends with a serial killer? When can I meet him?” He asked. “Can he eat my brain too?”
“I’m sure he can, just as soon as we’re released,”
And like that, I, Maya Herrera made a friend. Maybe we all three can whip ourselves together when we get back to the mansion!
You two seem to be made for each other.