Cyber Deadishness

Am I dead? It’s hard to tell. Binary code still runs through my head like images of Tom Cruise after I saw Risky Business. Though it seems I’ve lost my corporal form (that means body!)!….

The Joys of Blunt Weapons!

Hey guyz, it’s Sylar! I have a new favorite weapon type! Blunt! ‘N no not the kind that would make a stoned Sylarz, silly lol. Anyways, with super mind trick out, the weapon of my….

Help Wanted: Healer

Um…the other day, I was playing with my favorite toy in the whole world, a ream of paper, and I cut myself. Yeah, that’s it. So, now I need to find a healer. If you….

A Quest for West

First off, I just want to say one thing: Oh. Hell. YES! Anyway, you may say, ‘So, West, now that you managed to hook up with Claire, you must not need to create Mecha Claire….

Such is Heidi

Before I left Nathan, we often had heartfelt discussions. Such as this onethat took place in the kitchen. Mind you, it was not morning but 3 p.m. in the afternoon on a weekday. *spit take*….

My Stalker/BF

So my stalker is now my boyfriend… I think. Even though I’m sure he stole my toe, I still tried to tell him that I was normal. He responded by calling me Lizard Girl in….

Sibling fights and juicy burgers

It is true that my brother Alejandro and I have a very close relationship. Closer than most siblings in fact. We’re like a sandwich. I am the squirrel meat and lettuce and he is the….

Crazy Old Lady? Me? Never!

Ah, yes, well, I assure you that I am not crazy. What happened in the police station was just post-traumatic stress syndrome. Having a husband and a son commit suicide can do that to a….

Weirdness and a Toe

The past few months have been like… wow. Daddy hasn’t let me on the computer since we moved here. He thinks I’m going to like blow our secret or something. Well, high school is crisis….

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