Who’s the Mastermind?

Me I AM! Yes! Yes! Yes! It’s me! I’m the one behind it all!! Oh, hello there. You’ll forgive me my slight burst of emotion–I am normally smooth and suave and radiant of maniacal ageless….

I really did it! I ran away!

I finally did what I have been threatening to do off and on for the past few years. I stole my Daddy’s car and ran away. Really! I totally mean it this time! I grabbed….

Visoin Qeust Crues Dlyexsia!

I hate walking. Hate it! It ranks up there with Oompa Loompahs and vegetables. So narturally, I was annoyed when Mr. Arfican Cheif with a Stick says to me, “You must spirit walk.” Couldn’t we….

Hillbilly Hell

Father is gone again. He had to take care of some “business”. I over heard him tell Mommy that he has hired someone to take care of us. I am thinking, “Cool, my own rich….

2 weeks worth of pending punishment…

The past two weeks have been the most beautiful of my life. And that is why I am typing with my toes right now. I just put my fingers in the paper shredder. They will….

I miss out on all the fun

My sisterSo apparently, Claire got her head ripped off or something when Mom and I weren’t home? And I was all, “Aw, man,” and Mom was all, “Oh my poor baby”, and I was all,….

Babysitting for Mama Petrelli

Well, it seems we finally found out the true origin of Gabriel Gray. Someone that vile and disgusting could only have been the test tube love child of Angela Petrelli and a crazy snow globe….

Movie Night With Sylarkins!

OMG guys, hi, I’m back! My gosh, like, soooo much has happened since I talked to y’all last, but first things first, I have a confession to make, and I’m like totally embarrassed to make….

NOT a Stripper

Do any of you know where this woman is? No, don’t get smart with me, that isn’t me. Yes, I keep getting mistaken for her, and yes, her hair admittedly looks something like the elegant….

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