Prakman: Lsoing Cnotrol

“Mabye yuo shuold try teh colset,” teh evil mnid-dewller siad. “Ho, adn yuo mihgt wnat to dcuk.”

Gnusohts balsted thruogh teh colset door. I braely dogded tehm. Teh cuplrit setpped uot adn I siad, “Dorp ti!” palcing my gnu agianst his haed.

“Raelly, Prakman?” Slyar tuanted. “Yuo weret’n smrat enuogh to cechk teh colset? Ins’t taht how tihs all strated?”

Teh cirminal was isnide teh colset jsut lkie Slyar siad. Btu ltaer he tircked me! Atfter I strated to turst the brian-aeting serail kliler, he decieved me. I baet the cuplrit to a bloody plup becuase Slyar made me tihnk he was a pedohpile.

Adn if theer is aynthnig I htae mroe tahn sguarless porducts, is’t pedohpiles.

I hda no chioce but to fix teh porblem whit my mnid cnotrol pwoer.

Because I’m, like, a totally awesome mind-trickin’ crime-fighter! Yay!

Waht teh….

Heheee! OMG it’s like I’m in control now. Ooh, Matt, you know I haven’t eaten brains in, like, forever! We are soooooo going to the brain store after you’re done with your cute little blog post.

OnnNnNnnNnNNNnNN!!!! I cna’t aet brians. I’m on a deit.

Me too! Diets help me keep my slendor Sylarish figure. lol!

Gte uot of my bolg!

Like, no! Sexy Sylar is back! Well, I’m like still stuck in the fat cop’s brain, and until I figure out a way to eat myself out (lol!) I guess I’ll have to stay here. But we’re going to have so much fun together, Matt! You’re, like, my new BFF! Sorry, Mohindy.


  1. Slyar bleongs ni Rboin Hodo, celarly.

  2. I don't like where this is going.

  3. Sylar is going to make Matt do some eevil things this season, unfair cus Matt is the nicest guy, but fun for Greg and Zach

  4. You two should go find my hideous, multiple-personality-afflicted sister. You could go on a double-date with her.

    …if you were into the deep-fried, corpsey type, anyway.

  5. Ew. If you saw off my head do NOT drop donut crumbs in there.

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