The past few months have been like… wow. Daddy hasn’t let me on the computer since we moved here. He thinks I’m going to like blow our secret or something. Well, high school is crisis enough without fake paper companies chasing me; does he really think I’m that stupid? I mean, the fashion is totally different here, the cheerleaders are looking at me like I’m not a former homecoming queen, my Nissan was stolen, and now I’ve got some guy stalking me and looking at me through my bedroom window. And to top it all off, I totally can’t find my toe. Yeah, I have a new one now, but it’s not the one I was born with, you know? I kind of miss it. It has sentimental value. And now I have to repaint that nail. I was kind of worried that Mr. Muggles had eaten it, but now that I think about it, Muggles only eats food out of silver dishes. Lyle might have found it, but he’s been in his room all night. But that leaves me with the original question. Where is my toe? You know, I bet my stalker took it. He’s one of those really weird kids who hates everyone with more friends than him. Maybe that’s why he’s following me around. I’ve only got one. But then, I’ve really never seen him with anyone else. Like, during lunch the other day, I saw him sitting in a tree eating by himself. I felt kinda bad for him, and since my only friend was crying in the bathroom because the cheerleaders laughed at her face again, I thought I might say something. But I didn’t.
Unfortunately, he must have seen me.
“Hey Robot!”
I decided to ignore him. It seemed to be the kindest response. Apparently, people here don’t get it when someone ignores them.
“I see you’re drinking brand name water,” He said, pointing at my Evian water bottle.
“Yeah, so?”
“So, go against the grain,” And before I could do anything, he took my water and ripped the label off of it.
“What is your problem?” I asked him.
“You don’t want to be a walking advertisement do you?”
Then I ran away. I was wearing a Hollister shirt and I was afraid he might take that too.
Anyway, that’s probably where my toe is, but if anyone has seen it, let me know, k?
Hollister is a bastion of evil. Once I create my Mecha Claire we will purify the earth by hitting each Hollister with cleansing fire!
By the way, did you know that “Evian” spelled backwards is “naive.” You’re cute how you’re so naive, Claire.
Claire is in disguise,that is why she is wearing Hollister!
Take her shirt, it puts her in danger.
Have you checked with your mom? Moms like to collect stuff.
You know ‘baby’s first teeth’,Baby’s first shoes’
She porbably took it to have it bronzed.
Ewww West! That’s creepy
hey take her shirt off
sounds good 😀
if u have kids with her will it be like a invicible flyer??