jjjjjjjjjjjHwhatt? Drrukn bolgging!!

Graet nwes! Imm durnk! Wiat…taht’s not teh graet nwes. Ist thhe goood newess buts theers bettrer newws. Graeet newes! I jsust gott to remeeber waht itt iis. Hoo ya! Teh graaeet nwes is taht Im klilingg Slyarr!

OMG! No, your not! Im like rite here!

Go waay! Sputid Slyar tyring to ttkae overr my bolg. Tish is my bolg not Slyar’ss bolg. I jsut need mroee acholollll!!!!!

Like stop it! Your hurting me!

Oen moree shto shuldds do it…..

I’m melting! I’m melting!!

Yess!! Fnilally! Hes ggnoe. At fristt yuo knwos he wastnt taht bad of a gyu ralelly. I maenn it wass kdnida nice hvasing a feriend to shaare my daaay whitt. Btut tehns he tokoo it too frarr!

“Yuuor a dylsesicx losrre!” ehh wuold tuants me. “Gvie me bck myy bdoy!”

Btut tath didnt get to mee.

“Yuuor a faat losrer!” hee wuld tuant me. “Gviae me bacck my boddy!”

I wsas useed to itt.

“Yuoor a sutpids losre!” he wuodl tuntt mee. “Giev mee baack mmy bdoyy!”

I swas udsed too taht onne tto!

Btut ehent he weent and ddi smoethingg I wsant at all useed to! Hee gavs myy wfie an orgamss!

“OHhf Mattt! Wwhy cannt yuuo bee lkei tahtt alll tthe tmiee?” Jjancie askked acrdodingg to Slyyar.

Weell duhh! Theer arre pulicb deccency lwas, tathss why.

Bttu Jacine doseent havee tow orry abbouttt tahtt anmyoree. Tehere wnot bee anyy moree seex beecusee I fuondd a curee for myy Slyar prolbeem! Itss onne teqila, too tequilla, trhee teequila….


  1. LOL!!!

  2. This was pretty freaking awesome.

  3. Great story:) Makes these characters alive. Are you thinking to make this sword little longer, as it is presented on the poster?
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