Elimination: Bye Bye Bye!

Well, it’s that sad time where I must say bye bye bye to one of you, just like ‘N Sync did to the world! All of you had your own sexiness about you, but the peeps have spoked and the decision has been reached!

Draculina is eliminated from winning my sexy heart (in more ways that one)! Her filthy nudity knew no bounds, as even lil ol’ me knows a little modesty! Like, not much, but definitely some!

I guess the contestants were totally intimidated by this hot murderer. And who wouldn’t be! She was adorable, with her glistening fangs that shined in the light of shiny things, the dripping blood that stained my carpets, and the offerings of brains! But I’m afraid now it’s time to say goodbye. So like, goodbye!

LOL. That’s just my fantasy, of course. Draculina’s still alive, it was a metaphysical picture or something! Or did I mean it was a simpley? I don’t know the language terms! Anyways, bye Draculina, congrats to those left behind, and read below for the next challenge!


  1. I’ll never get why anybody would ever fire a hot chick. So what if she does have fangs?

  2. They new I would win.. but it doesnt matter I got a splendid contract from the deal

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